European Food Safety Authority Certificate (Efsa)
We procure food-safe recycled plastic for the European market. Our suppliers are Efsa certified for contact with food.
Certified grades include: r-PET.
Tasks of the Efsa
The European Food Safety Authority plays a central role in the assessment and approval of materials intended to come into contact with food, including recyclates. Efsa is an independent EU authority that provides scientific opinions on food safety. Its role includes the assessment of materials and chemicals that may come into contact with food.
Approval processes
Our recyclates must undergo a comprehensive safety assessment before they are approved for use in food packaging or other food contact applications. The assessment covers various aspects such as chemical composition, toxicity, migration of substances into food and potential health risks for consumers.
EU legal framework
The approval of recyclates for food contact is based on EU Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004 on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food. This regulation sets out the general requirements and contains specific provisions for recyclates.